
English for Life in the UK – Interview with an Artist: Kate Lycett
We interview Kate about her work as a visual artist, how she goes about creating a painting, her influences and why art is important. Read more
English for Life in the UK – Farming and Cheese-Making in a Yorkshire Town
We interview a dairy farmer and cheese maker about the history and process of milk and cheese making. We discuss the idea of organic farming and the use of the... Read more
English for Life in the UK – Access to Healthcare in England
A discussion with a doctor (general practitioner) and a community pharmacist about how individuals can access primary healthcare services in England Read more
English for Life in the UK: Football Interviews
We interview 2 teenage girls about playing football and an older man about playing and watching the game. In the language support section we talk about the modern everyday use... Read more
English for Life in the UK – Housing in the UK
We talk to the housing manager for Calderdale, discuss owning or renting property, the problem of finding affordable housing, housing issues for refugees and the issue of homelessness. Read more
English for Life in the UK – Owning and Managing a Family Bakery in the UK
We interview the owner of a family bakery called Lottie Shaw’s. We hear about making ‘Parkin’, a traditional northern gingerbread, and the challenges of running a sustainable business. Read more
English for Life in the UK – The Role of a Member of Parliament
Interview with Holly Lynch, MP for Halifax Read more
English for Life in the UK – How Does Local Government Work in the UK?
We interview Councillor Jane Scullion who is the deputy leader of Calderdale Council about how the Council works, her role and why local government is important. We also highlight some... Read more
English for Life in the UK – Season 3 Preview
We preview the new season, explain the idea behind this season of the podcast, introduce 2 new members of the team and outline some of the topics we will cover. Read more
English for Life in the UK – Regional Accents and Dialects in the UK
We discuss and illustrate a number of the regional variations in how English is spoken in different parts of the U.K. including Yorkshire, Lancashire, Liverpool, Birmingham, Scotland, Northern Ireland and... Read more
English for Life in the UK – Soap Operas in the UK
A soap opera is a tv or radio drama. We interview one of the writers and ask her to explain what is a ‘soap’, talk about some of the most... Read more
English for Life in the UK – Seeking Asylum in the UK, Part 2
The history and work of our independent charity which specialises in support for asylum seekers and refugees. We hear the voices of some of our asylum seekers and refugees. Read more
English for Life in the UK – Seeking Asylum in the UK, Part 1
The right to asylum. How the process is supposed to work. Some of the challenges. The voices of experience from asylum seekers and refugees. Read more
English for Life in the UK – Football in the UK
We discuss the recent proposals for a European Super League. The history of some of England’s big clubs including Manchester City and Manchester United. Football related phrases and idioms. Read more
English for Life in the UK – Shakespeare
We recorded this episode on Shakespeare’s birthday which is also St George’s day. We discuss aspects of Shakespeare’s life and plays. Idioms from Shakespeare. Read more
English for Life in the UK – Easter in the UK
The importance of Easter to Christians and the Easter story. Easter as a pagan festival. Modern U.K. traditions at Easter. Easter in some other countries. Symbolism and metaphors. Read more
English for Life in the UK – Film and Cinema in the UK
History of film. Festivals and award ceremonies, the Oscars. How films get selected and the impact of streaming. Film genres. Film vocabulary. Read more
English for Life in the UK – Wildlife in the UK
An introduction to this podcast and a summary of our first session on the history of migration into the U.K. Read more
English for Life in the UK – The Census
What is the census? Historical examples of the census. How the census changes over time. The census 2021 and how it will be used. How to talking about obligation in... Read more
English for Life in the UK – The seasons and the weather in the UK
The 4 seasons in the U.K. what happens and what the weather is like in each season. Weather vocabulary and phrases. Read more
English for Life in the UK – The Victorian Age
British history during the reign of Queen Victoria. The workshop of the world, the British Empire, the extension of the vote, the Great Hunger in Ireland. Queen Victoria and her... Read more
English for Life in the UK – Industrial Revolution
How Britain became the first country in the world to have an industrial revolution. Inventions, transport, resistance to the changes, urbanisation and trade. Read more