Asylum and Immigration
Asylum and immigration systems are difficult to understand. Our specialist team are here to help.
Come to our advice drop-in on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9.30 – 11.30 am or call us on 01422 352492.
We can help you:
- Understand more about the asylum process, individually and through our monthly asylum information talks
- Understand letters that you receive from the Home Office
- Help you find local help if you are moved out of the area into asylum accommodation
- Understand your options if your asylum application has been refused *
- Apply for Refugee Family Reunion (only for your pre-flight partner/spouse and any pre-flight children under the age of 18) *

*You will need to be referred to a specialist immigration advisor and seen by appointment only. Please be aware that our immigration advice appointments are very busy. Your name will be placed on a waiting list, and we will prioritise the most urgent cases.

Who else can help?
Right To Remain – this is a really good website to get more information about the asylum system in the UK
Immigration Advice Authority (IAA) providers – search for your local immigration organisations
The Law Society – helpful if you need a legal aid solicitor
Migrant Help – they can support you with various asylum and immigration issues
St. Augustine’s Centre is regulated by The Immigration Advice Authority (IAA). We provide regulated immigration and asylum advice up to Level 2 Asylum and Immigration.