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People forced to flee the home they love deserve support, compassion and justice.

The work we do means we have important stories to tell, and you can help us tell them.

There are now 108 million people forcibly displaced globally, as a result of war, violence, persecution, human rights violations, and climate change. Additionally, it is low- and middle-income countries, not rich countries, that provide shelter for 76% of refugees and other people in need of international protection worldwide. In 2022, Britain received 7% of all asylum claims made across the EU, only the twentieth-largest intake when measured alongside countries total population.

We do the work we do because we want a safer and more welcoming society for the people seeking sanctuary in Calderdale. We want an asylum system that is fair and effective so that people can rebuild their lives and contribute to the UK. 

When the media perpetuates myths about immigration, we have a responsibility to tell the truth. When the government work against agreed humanitarian principles and pushes for hostile legislation and confusing asylum processes, we stand against them. When local and statutory services in Calderdale struggle to support people seeking sanctuary, we help them do better.


Together with our centre members, we:

  • give awareness raising talks to schools and organisations
  • share stories about the challenges faced by our centre members
  • help organisations in Calderdale support people seeking sanctuary by encouraging them to join Calderdale Valley of Sanctuary 
  • connect with policy makers
  • support key campaigns

How you can help

1. Join our social media platforms and sign up to our newsletter below to support key campaigns.

2. Become a member of Calderdale's Valley of Sanctuary (free!)

3. Book an awareness-raising session from us by contacting Les

4. Bust myths and share truths with your friends and family:

5. Follow and support these brilliant, national campaigning and advocacy organisations:

6. Read, follow, and promote these vital recent campaigns, petitions, and reports: