Show the Love for Refugees this Valentine’s Day
2nd February 2022
Over the next couple of months, we MUST urge MPs to oppose the Government’s plans on the Nationality and Borders Bill, which is set to be the largest roll back of refugee rights that this country has seen.
We’re using Valentine’s Day to call on MPs to get behind two specific amendments and to send a strong signal to Ministers that we stand against the bill and call for a more compassionate approach. By securing support in the House of Lords we're aiming to ensure that MPs get a chance to vote on these amendments.
What can you do?
Here are a few simple steps you can take to stand along with us against this Bill.
1. Send MPs a Valentine's Day Card (with a Twist)
Whether you modify a shop-bought card or use one of our suggested designs, we need to send a clear message to our MPs. Inside the card call on your MP to firstly, oppose the principle of treating refugees differently based on how they arrived here rather than their need for protection. Secondly, we are calling for a target to resettle 10,000 refugees a year.
You can use these card designs and suggested messaging from the #TogetherWithRefugees campaign to get you started. Find your MP's address details here.
2. Share on Your Socials!
Let's flood social media with supportive messages to make sure MPs hear us loud and clear. You can download one of our special Valentines here and add your own message or this suggested tweet:
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I oppose the #AntiRefugeeBill
And so should you
Will you be my Valentine @XXXX? This Bill represents the most significant roll back of refugee rights this country has ever seen – do the right thing and oppose it.
Find the Twitter handle for your MP here.
OR Post an Orange Heart Selfie!
Make or cut out your own orange heart and hold it in a selfie. Post on Twitter or your favourite social media platform with one of these suggested messages:
#ShowYourHeart for refugees this Valentine’s Day.
If you want the UK to be fair & kind
please post a selfie & stand #TogetherWithRefugees
#ShowYourHeart for refugees this Valentine’s Day.
Do you want the UK to be fair & kind?
Please post a selfie and pass it on.
Whilst you're at it, make sure you add an orange heart to your Twitter handle. Click Edit Profile, then click your name and copy / paste this symbol to the end –
You can also share this gif and ask friends and family to share it too. Add your own message. If you have a Twitter account you can share it from here.
3. Support our Campaigns
Make sure you keep an eye out for our campaigns, join in when you can and be sure to share our efforts:
Organisations – Sign a Statement of Support
We are asking for organisational/representative signatures on a joint Yorkshire & The Humber regional statement, which has been co-authored by members of Leeds Migration Partnership, Wakefield City of Sanctuary, Leeds Jewish Representative Council, Destitution Concern Bradford, Kirklees Multi-agency Group and Sisters United.
You can read the statement here in word format, including a list of the current signatories, and sign and share the statement using this google form. You have until 14th February to sign, after which the statement will be published and covered as an exclusive in the Yorkshire Post. Thank you to everyone who has signed and shared so far. Please keep sharing far and wide and invite your local leaders to sign!
Show Your Hearts with Us at Piece Hall
We'll be gathering at Piece Hall on March 17 at 9am for an extra special show of support which will be captured via drone photography. Bring everyone you know, wear orange if you have it and don't forget your orange hearts! We want to make a statement to show that Calderdale is a welcoming valley.
We'd love our Members to start their own campaigns, too – get in touch if you need support. You can also read the guidance from Together With Refugees here.
4. Keep Showing Your Hearts!
Put orange hearts (the symbol for solidarity with refugees) in your windows and on your walls. Make displays at work, hang heart banners around Halifax – use your imagination! Engage your families, schools and other community projects. Make sure to let us know what you're up to so we can help shout about it.
To make it even easier, just print this window sign showing you stand in solidarity with refugees and put it in a public facing window. Make sure to take a photo and share it on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram with the hashtags #TogetherWithRefugees #RefugeesWelcome