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Blog: News

English for Life in the UK - Christmas in the UK

23 DEC 2020

A discussion of aspects of the history and traditions of Christmas in the U.K. and the importance of Christmas to Christians.Father Christmas or Sant…

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English for Life in the UK - Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and Normans arrive in Britain

10 DEC 2020

Anglo-Saxons arrive in Britain. The two St Augustines. The Vikings. The Battle of Hastings and the Norman conquest. How the Normans changed Britain.

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English for Life in the UK - British Citizenship

19 NOV 2020

Outline and discussion of the process for becoming a British citizen. Freedoms and responsibilities of citizens. The pledge and oath of allegiance to…

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English for Life in the UK - Values and Principles of British Society

06 NOV 2020

The Government handbook identifies 5 principles - democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, tolerance, participation. We discuss each of these and …

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Season 2 - Preview

02 NOV 2020

What is this podcast? What have we done so far and what are our plans for season 2? How to use this podcast to improve your English and learn more ab…

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English for Life in the UK - Driving

28 JUL 2020

Driving requirements, the driving test, examples of driving incidents, recognising and using modal verbs

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