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English for Life in the UK - The Development of the English Language

16 DEC 2020

History of English as a language. English in use today in the U.K. and around the world. The differences between British English and American English


English for Life in the UK - Anglo-Saxons, Vikings and Normans arrive in Britain

10 DEC 2020

Anglo-Saxons arrive in Britain. The two St Augustines. The Vikings. The Battle of Hastings and the Norman conquest. How the Normans changed Britain.

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English for Life in the UK - Early Britain and Roman Britain

04 DEC 2020

The early history of Britain including Stonehenge and the Bronze and Iron ages. Roman Britain including Hadrian’s Wall and Boudicca.


English for Life in the UK - The United Kingdom

01 DEC 2020

An overview of the 4 countries that make up the United Kingdom. More information about each of the smaller countries Scotland, Wales and Northern Ire…


English for Life in the UK - British Citizenship

19 NOV 2020

Outline and discussion of the process for becoming a British citizen. Freedoms and responsibilities of citizens. The pledge and oath of allegiance to…

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English for Life in the UK – US Presdential Election

16 NOV 2020

Why the US Presidential election is important to the U.K. How the US election system works. What has happened in this year’s election and the possibl…
